Use of a framework
No individual framework was used for the preparation of the combined non-financial statement. Continental sees the full implementation of an individual framework as inappropriate, in particular due to the definitions of materiality, which deviate from the HGB. However, individual reporting elements such as the preparation of individual indicators are aligned with existing reporting standards, as indicated accordingly in the relevant text passages.
Material reporting topic areas
The Executive Board of Continental adopted a sustainability ambition in autumn 2020 on the basis of a survey of customers, investors and employees, among others. For the combined non-financial statement, the topic areas included in the ambition were assessed as to their materiality in accordance with Section 289c (2) HGB. To this end, they were analyzed in terms of risks and opportunities for the company and their effects on non-financial matters. As a result, the following eight topic areas were identified as reporting topic areas: carbon-neutrality, emission-free mobility and industries, circular economy, responsible value chain, good working conditions, green and safe factories, benchmark in quality, and sustainable management practice. By managing these topics, the key transformation opportunities and risks related to sustainability are addressed. The reporting topic areas remained valid for fiscal 2022 and were approved by the Executive Board.
An overview of the reporting topic areas and their correlation with non-financial aspects can be found in the table “Continental sustainability reporting topic areas.”
Presentation of the business model and risks
The required information on the business model can be found in the Structure of the Continental Group section starting on page 26 and in the Strategy of the Continental Group section starting on page 29. Information on risks can be found in the report on risks and opportunities starting on page 88. Beyond this, no additional risks in relation to non-financial topic areas were identified pursuant to Section 289c (3) HGB.
Presentation of concepts, results and performance indicators
Continental completed the spin-off of Vitesco Technologies on September 15, 2021. The performance indicators for fiscal 2021 only relate to continuing operations and therefore exclude Vitesco Technologies, which was spun off on September 15, 2021.
In accordance with the HGB, the performance indicators are not the most significant corporate management indicators, which means that they are not required to be integrated into the report on expected developments.
Wherever necessary for comprehension, the combined non-financial statement contains references to amounts reported in the consolidated financial statements, including notes.
References to information in other sections of the management report and the consolidated financial statements are officially part of this combined non-financial statement. References to information outside of the management report and the consolidated financial statements are not officially part of this combined non-financial statement.
Full sustainability reporting
Full sustainability reporting on all relevant topic areas for the Continental sustainability ambition can be found in the integrated sustainability report. This consolidates the information from the combined non-financial statement, the consolidated management report, the consolidated financial statements and other sources, as well as further supplementary information, in a modular format.
The integrated sustainability report will be published in April 2023 and will be available online at
Continental sustainability reporting topic areas | |||
Continental sustainability ambition topic areas | Material reporting topic areas for the non-financial statement in accordance with Sections 315b and 315c HGB in conjunction with Sections 289b to 289e HGB | Allocation of material reporting topic areas to non-financial aspects in accordance with Section 289c (2) HGB | |
Four focus areas of sustainability1 | Carbon neutrality | X | Environmental matters |
Emission-free mobility and industries | X | Environmental matters | |
Circular economy | X | Environmental matters | |
Responsible value chain | X | Environmental matters, employee matters, social matters, respect for human rights | |
Eight sustainability essentials2 | Good working conditions | X | Employee matters, respect for human rights |
Green and safe factories | X | Environmental matters, employee matters, respect for human rights | |
Innovations and digitalization | - | ||
Benchmark in quality | X | Environmental matters, social matters | |
Safe mobility | - | ||
Long-term value creation | - | ||
Sustainable management practice | X | Anti-corruption and bribery matters, employee matters | |
Corporate citizenship | - |