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Continental Logo

2022 Annual Report

Creating Value.
For a Better Tomorrow.

2022 Annual Report


Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

1 2 3 4 5
          Difference from      
€ millions Issued/
Subscribed capital1
of defined
benefit plans4
Subtotal2 Non-controlling
As at January 1, 20212 512.0 4,155.6 12,005.3 -302.1 -2,817.0 -1,232.7 -13.6 12,307.5 376.7 12,684.2
Net income2 1,435.2 1,435.2 51.9 1,487.1
Other comprehensive income 0.0 490.3 724.9 92.6 1,307.8 37.1 1,344.9
Net profit for the period2 1,435.2 490.3 724.9 92.6 2,743.0 89.0 2,832.0
Dividends paid/resolved -18.5 -18.5
Non-cash dividends due to the completed spin-off -2,824.8 -2,824.8 -2,824.8
Successive purchases -5.2 -5.2 5.3 0.1
Other changes7 0.0 -331.8 -4.5 331.8 -4.5 0.0 -4.5
As at December 31, 20212 512.0 4,155.6 10,283.9 -311.8 -1,994.9 -507.8 79.0 12,216.0 452.5 12,668.5
Net income 66.6 66.6 45.6 112.2
Other comprehensive income 1,221.0 211.9 -16.3 1,416.6 -7.5 1,409.1
Net profit for the period 66.6 1,221.0 211.9 -16.3 1,483.2 38.1 1,521.3
Dividends paid/resolved -440.0 -440.0 -27.4 -467.4
Other changes8 0.0 0.0 0.0 12.6 12.6
As at December 31, 2022 512.0 4,155.6 9,910.5 -311.8 -773.9 -295.9 62.7 13,259.2 475.8 13,735.0
Download table overview (MS-Excel)

1 Divided into 200,005,983 (PY: 200,005,980) outstanding shares with dividend and voting rights.

2 In the year under review, the Continental Group changed the methodology used for the recognition of uncertain tax positions. The comparative period has been adjusted accordingly. For more information, see Note 2 (General Information and Accounting Principles) of the notes to the consolidated financial statements.

3 Includes in the previous year an amount of -€5.2 million from successive purchases of shares in fully consolidated subsidiaries and an amount of -€4.5 million relating to effects from the first-time consolidation of previously non-consolidated subsidiaries.

4 Includes shareholder’s portion of €0.1 million (PY: -€0.1 million) in non-realized gains and losses from pension obligations of equity-accounted investees.

5 Includes shareholder’s portion of €1.1 million (PY: -€7.5 million) in the currency translation of equity-accounted investees.

6 The change in the difference arising from financial instruments, including deferred taxes, was due to other investments of -€16.3 million (PY: €92.6 million).

7 Other changes in relation to the retained earnings of €331.8 million resulted from reclassifications to retained earnings not recognized in profit or loss. Of these, €331.4 million was attributable to the spin-off of Vitesco Technologies and €0.4 million resulted from changes in the scope of consolidation. Other changes in non-controlling interests took place due to changes in the scope of consolidation and capital increases.

8 Other changes in non-controlling interests due to changes in the scope of consolidation and capital increases.