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2018 Annual Report


2018 Annual Report

Continental Corporation - 2018 Annual Report

Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

1 2 3 4 5
€ millions 2018 2017
Net income 2,958.3 3,048.3
Reclassification within equity not affecting net income -0.3
Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss    
Remeasurement of defined benefit plans1 -105.7 64.1
   Fair value adjustments1 -93.8 117.4
   Reclassification from disposals of pension obligations 0.3
  Investment in equity-accounted investees2 0.0 0.0
   Currency translation1 -12.2 39.6
   Tax on other comprehensive income n. a. -92.9
Other investments -3.9
   Fair value adjustments1 -3.9
Tax on other comprehensive income 30.7 n. a.
Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss    
Currency translation1 107.7 -641.6
   Difference from currency translation1 103.0 -639.0
   Reclassification adjustments to profit and loss 14.5 1.1
   Investment in equity-accounted investees2 -9.8 -3.7
Available-for-sale financial assets n. a. 2.1
   Fair value adjustments n. a. 3.9
   Reclassification adjustments to profit and loss n. a. -1.8
Cash flow hedges -2.3 0.2
   Fair value adjustments -24.9 63.3
   Reclassification adjustments to profit and loss 22.6 -63.1
   Investment in equity-accounted investees2 0.0
Tax on other comprehensive income 2.7 -21.2
Other comprehensive income 29.2 -596.4
Comprehensive income 2,987.2 2,451.9
Attributable to non-controlling interests -70.3 -42.1
Attributable to the shareholders of the parent 2,916.9 2,409.8
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1 Including non-controlling interests.
2 Including taxes.