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2018 Annual Report


2018 Annual Report

Continental Corporation - 2018 Annual Report

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

1 2 3 4 5
          Difference from      
€ millions Subscribed capital 1 Capital
of defined
benefit plans3
Subtotal Non-controlling
As at January 1, 2017 512.0 4,155.6 11,534.7 -181.9 -1,783.8 30.0 3.4 14,270.0 464.8 14,734.8
Net income 2,984.6 2,984.6 63.7 3,048.3
Comprehensive income 63.1 -640.2 2.3 -574.8 -21.6 -596.4
Net profit for the period 2,984.6 63.1 -640.2 2.3 2,409.8 42.1 2,451.9
Dividends paid -850.0 -850.0 -48.6 -898.6
Successive purchases -1.4 -1.4 0.3 -1.1
Other changes6 0.0 0.0 3.3 3.3
As at December 31, 2017 512.0 4,155.6 13,669.3 -183.3 -1,720.7 -610.2 5.7 15,828.4 461.9 16,290.3
Effects from the first-time adoption of new standards (IFRS 9/15)7 30.8 -3.4 27.4 -0.1 27.3
Adjusted as at January 1, 2018 512.0 4,155.6 13,700.1 -183.3 -1,720.7 -610.2 2.3 15,855.8 461.8 16,317.6
Net income 2,897.3 2,897.3 61.0 2,958.3
Comprehensive income -0.2 -74.8 100.2 -5.6 19.6 9.3 28.9
Net profit for the period 2,897.1 -74.8 100.2 -5.6 2,916.9 70.3 2,987.2
Dividends paid/resolved -900.0 -900.0 -45.6 -945.6
Successive purchases -21.0 -21.0 -0.8 -21.8
Other changes -1.3 -1.3 -2.8 -4.1
As at December 31, 2018 512.0 4,155.6 15,697.2 -205.6 -1,795.5 -510.0 -3.3 17,850.4 482.9 18,333.3
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See Notes 2, 5 and 25 to the consolidated financial statements.
1 Divided into 200,005,983 shares outstanding.
2 Includes an amount of -€20.7 million (PY: -€0.3 million) from successive purchases of shares in fully consolidated companies, an amount of €0.1 million in the previous year from a subsequent purchase price adjustment, and an amount of -€1.3 million (PY: €0.0 million) relating to effects from the first-time consolidation of previously non-consolidated subsidiaries. The reporting period also includes the change in value of a put option of -€0.3 million (PY: -€1.2 million) for the acquisition of remaining shares in a fully consolidated company.
3 Includes shareholder’s portion of €0.0 million (PY: €0.0 million) in non-realized gains and losses from pension obligations of equity-accounted investees.
4 Includes shareholder’s portion of -€9.8 million (PY: -€3.7 million) in the currency translation of equity-accounted investees.
5 The change in the difference arising from financial instruments, including deferred taxes, was due mainly to changes in the fair values of the cash flow hedges of -€1.7 million (PY: €0.3 million) for interest and currency hedging, other investments of -€3.9 million (PY: —) and in the previous year to available-for-sale financial assets of €2.0 million.
6 Other changes in non-controlling interests due to changes in the scope of consolidation and capital increases.
7 Please see our comments in the “Revenue from contracts with customers” and “Financial instruments” sections.